Sticking it to the gatekeepers


Hey Hope all good with you

I was really inspired after finding out more about bay area rapper LA Russel last week

He has been turning down offers from major labels and doing it all his own way

He operates a pay what you want policy ( PROUD TO PAY) across all his music and live events

He built a stage in his mums back yard for live shows

He said local promoters can get nervous putting on big rap events, so he is happy to house his own.

At the shows his dad cooks the barbecue and his mum is there and he even does the wristbands on the front door.

The usual thing you read is about rappers getting killed for something they said on IG and he is totally unphased by people knowing where he lives.

I love that he is flipping the whole story and he was talking about the shows bringing in 75k as some people like to pay a LOT more.

He has booked his favourite local restaurant to provide free meals for anyone who needs one

The first time he did it was for a day but his profits have gone up; so now he has booked an entire month.

He lets other artists in the area access his music and video production teams for free upfront, and a 50/50 split on profits.

This approach creates a new business model and helps grow the local music community.

He has also released 19 albums since 2019 ..

He believes in quantity and quality

He says

"I think that your main goal should be getting your value up. If someone's willing to pay anything for your art at any point, you should be happy, and keep getting your value up because then your art becomes more valuable to people.

I know this is huge but it is an exciting model. Share , collaborate with other musicians be part of and make a community around our music

Community = Friends =Fans =Supporters

Have a great week

make some music

Felix x


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