
The Creative Headspace

THE CREATIVE HEADSPACE Encouraging You to be Bigger Bolder and Max Creative

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Can you hear me at the back ? and Charity album opp

Hey Creativehead, Listen up ....... So there I was, buzzing with excitement to record this brilliant guitarist. Guy had fingers that could make a guitar weep. But as we started chatting, things felt... off. I thought he was just quirky, but nope – turns out, he was as deaf as a post. My heart sank. How was this going to work? But here's the strange thing: once we got rolling, he blew my mind. His playing was perfect. Two takes. That's all it took. It felt like he was listening through his...

E-Note To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ee cummings You know those quirky days between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve? The time when I first discovered the magic of making music while the world is on hold. Picture this: a bunch of moons ago, my band had blown up, and I was feeling all lost and lonely. All I had was some dodgy...

E-Note Hey Hope all good with you I was really inspired after finding out more about bay area rapper LA Russel last week He has been turning down offers from major labels and doing it all his own way He operates a pay what you want policy ( PROUD TO PAY) across all his music and live events He built a stage in his mums back yard for live shows He said local promoters can get nervous putting on big rap events, so he is happy to house his own. At the shows his dad cooks the barbecue and his mum...